An event is a process. It knows of no limits and therefore every event connects to every other. As processes, events are about far-reaching transformations through novelty. They are also about communication, but not about direct understanding or the exchange of information. Even apparently inert objects are events, something we can sense so long as we explain how they are in a novel and singular process. Events express their processes of becoming at different degrees. Some repress their ongoing transformations and stifle change. They are not worthy of themselves as events (LS: 149). The event clings to identity and sameness, like a stale lesson repeated every year in front of different yet equally bored classes. Other events re-intensify their inner singular changes and the lines of becoming connecting them to all other events. The event jolts itself and others into greater change and at higher intensity, like Deleuze leading fellow thinkers through a joint one-off experiment, sensitive to the variety and potential in each participant.