In February of 1888, Kristensen set out on one of his numerous collecting trips during the cold Danish winter months.1 Traveling south by train from Bredsten to Skanderborg and then Aiken, Kristensen continued by foot to Bjedstrup where he began collecting. His initial contact, a local teacher by the name of A. J. Meldgaard, led him to other story tellers in the area. Several of these informants suggested that Kristensen contact Peder Johansen, saying that he “was so excellent at telling stories.”2 So, through an initial contact and word of mouth, Kristensen found his way on February 6, 1888 to a man who was to become one of his more prolific informants. Kristensen was at first reserved about this contact, writing in Minder og Oplevelser that Peder “was quite young and unmarried.”3 However, he was reassured by his contacts that he would not regret a visit to him.