Now you wants the story. [Int: Right] What's that “Greensleeves” is it? [Int: Um-hum.] That's another bit of sweat [ i g o i n away again. I couldn't see in Harbour Breton other night. I suppose I must start un eh? You listen to un eh? (Till I's tryin to mind un at...in the...) [Int: I'll listen] listen to that. Do that* hurt out...interfere out there (or not)? [Int: It won't help.] Shove that* to. That's+ awful warm aint it? Well I find it warm (in here). It will after a bit. Stories goes 'once upon a time' what? [Int: If that's the way it begins.]

Mm. Well once upon a time...[aside to Int: anyone gets something good (to say)] a very good time it was not in yours not in mine there was a’ ol' man he had one son named Jack. Well -- that was very well. They...he sleep...he kept...at (or) goin with the ol' woman so last goin off they (carried un on) an’ they got this little...boy. An' while it was in the cot an' he'd be playin with the blankets now an' again an' haulin off one thing an' th' other _ the ol' woman said "Now" she said to her ol' man she said “I'm wonderin now” she said “what can we get for the.. .for the boy to play with.”