Two Newfies and a Nova Scotian went to Toronto looking for work. The Nova Scotian got a job as a salesman and the two Newfies were hired as labourers by a construction company. The Nova Scotian was walking along by the construction site one day when he saw the two Newfies down in a pit. They were all dirty, unshaven, and shabby. The Nova Scotian called them up to say hello. Immediately the Newfie who came up from the pit asked the Nova Scotian how come he could not get such a good job as the Nova Scotian who was all dressed up. The Nova Scotian responded with: "Because you Newfies are stupid.” In verifying this he held up his hand and told the Newf to hit. He made a mighty swing, but the Nova Scotian hauled his hand out of the way and the Newfie hit a pole behind him.