Qadesh (Kinza, modern Tell Nebi Mend) rst appears in written records as an ally of Mitanni. It joined a coalition of Syro-Palestinian states that opposed and was defeated by the pharaoh Tuthmosis III at the battle of Megiddo (1479), and was incorporated into Egyptian subjectterritory. Later, the city became embroiled in territorial disputes between Egypt and Hatti. is led eventually to open conict when Seti I (1294-1279) confronted the Hittite king Muwattalli II in a contest for possession of Qadesh and Amurru. e battle, fought near Qadesh, resulted in a decisive Egyptian victory, and Amurru and Qadesh reverted to Egyptian control. Yet this was merely a prelude to a second battle of Qadesh fought between Seti’s son and successor Ramesses II and Muwattalli in 1274.