She was coaxed, fed and cursed in turn, only to retaliate by vibrating your spine and pu ng furiously. At last, acknowledging defeat, a coal-black gentleman descended from the tender, climbed down on to the cow-catcher, tied a bucket of sand to a coupling, wound one hand round a stanchion and with the other sprinkled the contents of the pail on to the slippery line. is merely appeared to over-infuriate the mechanical lady, who shook herself into a perfect spasm of rage, until another member of the railway community joined his colleague on the cow-catcher, when both, with ngers all but touching the rails, poured handful a er handful of sand upon the wheels and metals. And this, mark you, when we were vibrating with the force of a printing press in Fleet Street. Grunting and ill-humoured, she at last condescended to proceed, while a stoker opened the furnace, heaved shovelfuls of coal into the roaring ames and slammed back the door by jerking a long steel chain connected at the upper end with a cooler portion of her anatomy. And so we started o again, covering mile a er mile in giddy crescents and circles and shivering gyrations, till approaching dusk and lowered temperature advised me to return to my toy carriage, soon therea er to arrive at Kalka, and, later, Umballa, a er a perfectly charming trip into the very heart of the Himalayas.