Introduction Before one steps out into the field to do visual research, one also needs to prepare in ways other than choos ing a camera. Although a camera is prin cip ally the tool with which one captures data, there are other factors that should be anti cip ated. Although there is no end to what could be considered prepar a tion, I will cover three import ant aspects. Firstly, what are the general settings on a DSLR to ensure a flex ible enough level of photo graphy without having to constantly make adjust ments? Secondly, how does the carry ing of a camera or cameras affect one’s comport ment

in the field? Thirdly, what mundane aspects of visual methods do we need to take into consid er a tion to ensure that the images we work with are usable and effect ive in convey ing our insights and obser va tions? But before we think about these issues, we need to under stand the funda mental process of expos ure in a camera, and how adjust ing three import ant settings tends to affect how an image is produced.