This chapter comprises sample responses to the sorts of problem posed by many of the practicals in Thinking Italian Translation. It has two purposes. The first is to give examples of how to set about practicals that involve doing a translation accompanied by discussion of strategy and detail. Each sample shows the sort of feature to discuss under these heads, and the amount of detail to go into. We would stress that the TTs given are not intended as prescriptive ‘fair copies’: on the contrary, we hope that the book has shown that there is no such thing as the ‘right’ translation, floating out there waiting for the trainee to find it. This will be particularly clear if you have done Practical 2.1, on p. 23, because our first example is an answer to that assignment: there are bound to be translations and explanations that you disagree with. And this brings us to the second purpose of these specimen exercises, which is to function as texts for critical analysis in their own right: where trainees are working in groups, discussion of the specimen in itself makes for a valuable practical assignment.