In this chapter, we complete the introduction to translation loss by looking at some implications of the crucial fact that translating involves not just two languages, but a transfer from one whole culture to another. General cultural differences are sometimes bigger obstacles to successful translation than linguistic differences. Take the following example, from a website advertising holidays in Italy (the name of the group has been replaced by X): https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table"> ST TT Albarella è un’isola privata situata nel Parco Naturale del Delta del Po. L’Isola di Albarella è un’area suggestiva e protetta, ideale per trascorrere le tue vacanze sul mare Adriatico in piena tranquillità. Un terzo dell’isola è di proprietà del Gruppo X, che ha predisposto ogni comfort per i soggiorni turistici: case, ville ed appartamenti in affitto, residence e alberghi con offerte esclusive, centri per congressi e banchetti, un centro sportivo, un rinomato circolo Golf Club e ogni altro servizio per il tuo divertimento e il tuo relax. L’Isola di Albarella è in grado di offrirti la migliore soluzione per le tue vacanze! Albarella is a private island placed in the Natural Park of the river Po’s Delta. Albarella Island is a suggestive and protected area, ideal for spending your holidays at the Adriatic seaside in full quiet. One-third of the island is the Group X’s property, which predisposed every comfort for the touristic stays: houses, villas and apartment for rent, residences and hotels with exclusive offers, congress and banqueting centres, a sport centre, a renowned Golf Club and every other service for your fun and your relax. Albarella Island can offer you the best solution for your holidays! (www.marcegagliatourism.com)