Next, I will summarize a case in forest products certifi cation to illustrate a multifractal spiral process of renormalization.

Fractal models of earth science (Ibañez & De Alba, 2000; Korvin, 1992; Martin & Taguas, 1998; Taguas, Marti & Perfect, 1999) are developing in a different direction than fractal frameworks of quality-standards compliance. The ecofractal approaches stress entropy and diversity, while the quality standards fractal practices are about automating compliance with ISO and other quality standards. On the one hand is the ecosystem fractal, which sustains human and nonhuman life. On the other is the standards-fractal bringing quality-compliance reporting into software algorithms, which do not account for fractals riven by commercial exploitation (commodifi cation) of earth that has accelerated with dire consequences that ecoscientists are calling global warming (Williams, 2002, p. 120).