This chapter deals with the fourth type of meaning conveyed by a sentence, called dik ‘direction’ by Bhartṛhari. It is significant, as far as Indian languages are concerned, that Bhartṛhari used the term dik, and not one of the numerous terms for ‘space’ (such as ākāśa) available in Sanskrit. We deal with the spatial symbolism (especially the metaphorical movement and location in space) in Panjabi case-marking and the agreement or lack of agreement of the verb with the SUBJECT or OBJECT NP in the clause, and with the so-called “split ergativity” and various “experiencer”-type constructions. An understanding of this spatial symbolism (especially the Location Event Structure Metaphor omnipresent in Panjabi grammar and discussed in the last section of this chapter) is extremely important for an understanding of the salient features of Panjabi grammar.