Whatever relaxes you probably involves using a product or service that you or someone else has purchased for that very reason. Consumer research over the decades provides ample evidence that we buy many products, not as ends in themselves, but rather as means of achieving goals, e.g., relaxation. In alternative a., the bar you go to and the beer you buy are integral to your unwinding with friends, and your feelings about both include your recollections of these relaxing, convivial times. The pizza retailer and the pizza itself in alternative c. are strongly associated with the pleasure you derive from watching the game, and add to the game experience. And while the puppy in alternative d. is not a product, s/he is legally a possession, the playful and loving companion who makes your run a welcome respite from the demands of your job. The beer, the pizza, the puppy-all are more than the sum of their attributes (features) and any may be a means of relaxing.