This chapter focuses on helping the child to identify the feelings she or he has when caught in the middle, differentiate these feelings from the feelings of the parents in the conflict situation, identify fantasies and wishes, and engage in reality testing. The children should not be left with the image of the violence or the trauma that occurred, which is reenacted in their role-play. The leader is ready to introduce role-playing, which is conducted according to the following rules. The leader asks if one of the children who self-discloses would like to direct a role-play. For the closing ritual, the children are asked to sit around the table or in the original circle to get ready to end the group. The leader asks each child what she or he wants, and distributes the snack. After the children have their snacks in hand, the videotaped role-plays are reviewed. The idea of relaxation and calming oneself is introduced to the children.