Shortly after C hesney re tu rned from Cilicia, a despatch arrived from Sir Jo h n H obhouse, the new President o f the B oard of C ontro l, dated 2 N ovem ­ ber 1835 and received at Port W illiam on 29 F ebruary 1836. H obhouse had ju s t learned abou t C hesney’s sunstroke in A ugust and urged him to be m ore careful of his health . H e recognized tha t the delay caused by M ehem et Ali had en tailed unforeseen expense and prom ised to seek add itiona l funding. C hesney and his officers were cheered by this news and by H obhouse’s assurances that:

due allow ance is m ade for all these obstacles, and full credit given for the spirit, energy and perseverance w hich have d istinguished your own conduct, and tha t o f the officers under your com m and. You m ay depend upon receiving every suppo rt from the hom e au tho ritie s .1