We have assigned as term-numbers to the defined symbols of the different kinds numbers of three classes-namely the second, fourth, and sixth powers of prime numbers greater than 2. We

* Key to the symbols : einkl: bracketing (Einklamme-

rung) Var: variable (Variable) DeftZz, DeftPrad, DeftFu: de­

fined numeral, predicate, func­ tor (definiertes Zahlzeichen, Pradikat, Funktor)

UndPrad, UndFu: undefined... (undefiniertes...)

Z z : numeral (Zahlzeichen) Prad: predicate (Pradikat) AOp, EOp, KOp, SOp: uni­

versal, existential, descrip­ tional, sentential operator (All-, Existenz-y K-, SatzOperator)

O p: operator (Operator) Z A : numerical expression (Zahl-

ausdruck) neg: negation (Negation)

dis: disjunction (Disjunktion) kon: conjunction (Konjunktion) imp: implication (Implikation) aq: equivalence (Aquivalenz) Verkn: Junction (Verkniipfung) gig: equation (Gleichung) Satz: sentence VR: variable-series (Variablen-

reihe) UKstr: directly constructed

(unmittelbar konstruiert) Konstr: construction (Konstruk-

tion) KonstrA: constructed expres­

sion (konstruierter Ausdruck) Geb: bound (gebunden) Frei, Fr: free Offen: open Geschl: closed (geschlossen)

63 shall, however, later establish the method of defining symbols in such a way that not all numbers of the three classes mentioned will be used as term-numbers for defined symbols, but, instead, only those numbers which fulfil certain conditions. We call a TN symbol based, when it either fulfils these conditions or is a primitive symbol. These conditions will be formulated in such a way that any symbol which fulfils them will refer back by means of its chain of definitions to the primitive symbols. We call an SN expression based when everyone of its TN terms is a based term.