W i t u is the farthest outpost of civilisation in the Tana valley, and here we expected to begin regular “ safari ” or caravan life, and to say farewell to Europeans for the last time until we reached the Somali coast opposite Aden. My pleasure at getting away from the coast lands and starting for the “ barra ” was, however, lessened by my regret at parting from Bird Thompson.1 He took a keener interest in the natives, he understood their point of view better, he knew more about their habits and beliefs, and was more popular amongst them, than any other man I met in Africa. To his advice I owe more than can easily be expressed. With his usual readiness to help us, he came over to camp to superintend our start. The Somali stood in awe of him, and so the camels were promptly loaded and we got away without a word of complaint.