The Position in the Kandahar Province.— Upon hearing of the departure of the British Mission from Herat, Macnaghten wished to organize an expedition against that city. This proposal was not countenanced by Auck­ land or the Commander-in-Chief in India, but the aggressive designs of Yar Muhammad on Girishk and the hostility of the Durranis, which he had excited, rendered military operations necessary. The position at Kandahar was unsatisfactory. Prince Timur had been appointed Governor with some o f the Ludhiana exiles as his staff. These individuals, as might have been expected, were mainly anxious to fill their empty pockets and alienated alike the haughty, but greedy, Durrani Chiefs and the common people. Fortunately Nott was well supported by Captain (later Sir Henry) Rawlinson, who was destined to become the leading authority on Central Asia, and their difficult task was dealt with firmly and successfully.