Bloody Sunday. Tsar receives a delegation of workers selected by the governor-general of St Petersburg, D. F. Trepov, and 'forgives them'. PSR member I. P. Kaliaev kills Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Moscow. Russian army defeated at Mukden. Agrarian disorders begin in Kholzovki, Kursk Gubirniia. Nicholas II announces his intention to convoke a consultative assembly and orders the Committee of Ministers to draft legislation for constitutional reform. Decree on religious tolerance repeals discriminatory laws against dissenters. Baltic Fleet sunk in the Straits of Tsushima. Troops used against strikers in L6di. General strike in Odessa. Mutiny on board the battleship Potemkin. First Manifesto on the creation of the State Duma, 'the Bulygin Duma'. First conference of the Peasants' Union, Moscow. Universities granted autonomy. Moscow printers' strike. Moscow-Kazan railway strike. Telegraph workers join strike. Witte tells the Tsar he has two alternatives: to crush, the revolution and impose a dictatorship, or to grant a constitution. General Strike. Nicholas II orders St Petersburg governor, D. F. Trepov, to adopt more aggressive measures.