The First World War and the Fall of the Ottoman Empire (1914-1923) 1914 Aug. Ottomans close Dardanelles to foreign warships Oct. Enver Pasha is appointed commander-in-chief of Ottoman forces Nov. Britain declares war on Ottoman Empire. Ottomans declare jihad (holy war) on Britain, France and Russia 1915 Mar.-Apr. Constantinople Agreements: secret promise from Britain and France that Russia will receive Constantinople and the Straits at the end of the war as reward for joining the Allied side Apr.-Oct. Gallipoli Campaign: successful Ottoman defence (headed by Mustapha Kemal) against Allied landings. 'Armenian Genocide': Ottoman responsibility for the deaths of up to 1.5 million Armenians jun.-Sep. Ottoman defeated by British in Mesopotamia Nov. Turks defeat British at Ctesiphon

1917 Mar. British take Baghdad Apr. Ottoman defeats in Mesopotamia. Treaty of St jean de Maurienne: secret agreement between Britain, France and Russia to permit Italy a share in the partitioned Ottoman Empire (in western Anatolia) Nov. British capture Gaza and Jaffa in Palestine. Balfour Declaration: British support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine further complicates the projected partition of the Ottoman Empire Dec. General Allenby enters Jerusalem

1918 Feb.-Apr. Ottoman offensive on Russian front, retaking Trebizond and Kars and taking Baku jul.-Oct. British advance in Palestine, taking Damascua and Aleppo Oct. Armistice of Mudros: Ottomans surrender unconditionally 1918-1922 Reign of Sultan Mohammed VI

1920 May Turkish National Assembly meets in Ankara Aug. Treaty of Sevres between the Ottoman Empire and Allies: Ottomans renounce all claims to territory occupied by non-Turks, thereby suffering ignominious loss of territory and Allied incursions into the Turkish mainland by Britain, France, Italy and Greece. Irremediably discredits the Ottoman establishment

1921 Mar. Treaty between Turkey and Bolshevik Russia. Mustapha Kemal organises Turkish army