These lines are drafted on the front cover of Nbk 14. Blotting and rubbing have rendered them extremely difficult to read, and the text below is offered with considerable reservation. It is possible that they follow on from, or otherwise form a part of, the sixteen lines in the same metre and rhyme-scheme that are drafted on the back cover of the nbk (see Is it that in some?[happier] sphere (no. 308), but the incomplete and uncertain state of the draft on both covers does not provide sufficient grounds for a firm conclusion. The possible connection with no. 308, perhaps written in April 1820, and the presence of an odorous flower as an occasion for reflection in a narrative may signal an affinity with SP (no. 296) and The Question—(no. 288), which were written in March 1820, and/or with S.’s translation from Dante, Purgatorio XXVIII, which was probably composed between April and August 1820, and which alludes (139–41) to the poets of old as S. does in l. 3 below.