These two lines are found in Mary Copybk 1 f. 44, although Mary did not publish them and no holograph MS is known to exist. The first line, enclosed in quotation marks, is a translation of a Gk inscription on a funerary urn which S. saw in the Uffizi Gallery at Florence in October 1819. The translation and part of the following line were first published in 1879 by H. Buxton Forman in a privately printed pamphlet, Notes on Sculptures in Rome and Florence together with a Lucianic Fragment and a Criticism of Peacock's Poem ‘Rhododaphne’. Both translation 172and part-line were subsequently included in Forman 1880 vii 50. In Forman's text S.’s full description of the urn is as follows:

An Urn.

An urn whose ansae are formed of the horned faces of Ammonian Jove, and oversculptured with labyrinth work of leaves and flowers and buds and strange looking insects, and a tablet with this inscription