Written loosely in pencil in Nbk 12 probably between 30 September and 10 November 1819, at the same time as the similarly pencilled jottings from the speech by Selin in Act III of Calderón's Origen, pérdida y restauración de la Virgen del Sagrario on f 10r rev., which are discussed in the headnote to And in that deathlike [ ] cave (no. 232). These lines, from this same speech, appear to derive from Selin's description of the Virgin's clothing: y es su traxe estraño, y antiguo, yo no le vi hasta agora en nadie, una tunizela blanca, y manto, y todo el ropaje sobre una tela de plata, muy luzida, y mui brillante, hechas algunas labores de perles, y de diamantes (Segunda Parte de Comedias (1637) in Calderón Comedias ed. D.W. Cruickshank and J.E. Varey, 19 vols (1973) v f 140r) (‘and her dress is strange and ancient, I never saw it until now on anybody; a white tunic and shawl and all the exterior clothing on a silver piece of cloth very bright and brilliant with some decorations of pearls and diamonds’, trans. Jonathan Thacker)