The perfect tense of Form IV is made up of the root, comprising three consonants: c1, c2, and c3. Interleaved between the consonants are vowels v1, /a/, and v2, /a/. Unless the verb is in the passive voice (see Passive voice), the first and second vowels, v1 and v2, are always respectively /a:/ and /a/. The sequence is as follows:

‘afca1 = (‘ + a + f + c + a + 1)

Form IV examples:

أحضَرَ الكرة إليها

He brought back the ball to her

أخبَرَت زوجها عن الحادثة

She informed her husband about the accident

أجبَرا الطفل على أكل الخُضار

They forced (dual) the child to eat vegetables