This chapter explores how intersexed bodies are considered in Indonesia. It looks at the experiences and identities of intersex children in Indonesia and offers a definition of terms used, including intersex. It analyses biomedical discourses on intersex by looking at the approaches of an Indonesian hospital to the problem of intersex bodies. The chapter looks at a case study of an intersex person, Alterina Hofan, to show what happens when an intersexed body meets heteronormative gender and sexual regimes. In 2010, the case of Alterina Hofan hit the press. In either case, the sex on his birth certificate would have to be changed. In the Klinefelter case, this should not have caused a major problem, but still a legal process was required. Alter's defence team pursued a different line and called upon a member of the National Rights Commission to declare that Alter's rights were violated under the Convenant on Civil and Political Rights.