For interactors, however, the news is more of a flow and therefore less discrete. That flow should find them. This news should be accurate, transparent, and immediate, and it should, above aU, be relevant-relevant to them where they are at that moment. This news should be something interactors can and want to share, and it should be presented in ways that fadlitate drilling down, digging deeper, and getting more. It's a different definition of news, therefore. Interactors see news "products" as connecting people and communities, and as something that can be customized and shared. It matters less who wrote or published it than it does how "shareable" it iso

~ SOCIAL MEDIA ETJ-IICS With these changes in how even news is conceptualized, fundamental questions are being raised about journalism and its relationship to the news. What is and is not content, for example? What is a news organization's responsibility over content such as discussion comments, dtizen-generated news coverage, and Twitter stream comments? Who has ultimate responsibility, and who is or should be in control of the information in this new "journalism as process" environment and ecosystem? There is little settled on these questions.