Very few people would disagree that the work of the principal is multifaceted, hectic, and fraught with uncertainties, and given the ongoing press for accountability, the very work of the principal as instructional leader is shifting to ensure “results.” There are myriad day-to-day activities that take principals away from the important work of instructional leadership because these activities need administrative detail and attention to ensure the overall effective management of the school. However, no matter how important this “other” work is, Hoy and Hoy (2006) assert, “Schools are about teaching and learning; all other activities are secondary to these basic goals” (p. 1). The Principal as Instructional Leader: A Handbook for Supervisors examines the work that must be accomplished by principals, as the instructional leaders of their schools. Very specifically, this book provides examination of learning and leading in the areas of developing a vision and culture that supports the supervision of the instructional program, professional development, and other processes to help teachers further develop their teaching. However, the concepts and tools presented in this book can assist all school personnel who coach and mentor teachers in the pursuit of improving instructional practices.