A Buddhist approach to leadership attempts to synthesize Buddhist teachings, specifically the interconnected unity of all things, the four noble truths, and the Eightfold Path. The understanding envisions leadership as a personal journey one must make to self-discovery. Decisions are to be made with wisdom and compassion. Historically, right conduct was more specifically prescribed and included prohibitions against killing, causing harm, stealing, sexual misconduct, and even abstaining from alcohol and drugs. The portion of the Eightfold Path that specifically focuses on ethical conduct provides a moral compass for leaders, but all elements of the Eightfold Path must be practiced simultaneously if one is to lead effectively. Leaders are to be role models who follow this path, and who themselves are seeking to become more enlightened. Followers are to defer to the wisdom of their leaders if their leaders show evidence of wisdom and mindfulness; nevertheless, followers are responsible for their own critical thought and active participation in achieving their goals.