Early apostles of Pan-Germanism were lauded in film biographies, which departed from the facts in order to fit the heroes for the Nazi pantheon. The hero of Der unendliche Weg is Friedrich List, the nineteenth-century economist and professor of political science. He campaigns against the customs barriers, which perpetuate the division of Germany into small states. Much more than specific items of policy, however, Nazi feature films sought to highlight significant themes and motifs of the National Socialist ideology. Pre-eminent among these was, of course, the leadership principle. Among Nazi cinematic archetypes the Great Leader came first. Thus several films were commissioned to glorify Hitler-style German leaders of the past. The contrast of archetypes completes the picture. The Communists are seen as greedy, dirty, treacherous thugs opposing the clean-cut, keen-eyed, blond Nordic supermen, or in the case of Erich and Heini, superboys.