The dynamic meta-theories defi ne problems and solutions as being based within inner confl icts between id, ego, and superego, and as entrenched within the defences used against these confl icts, which become calcifi ed within early childhood. The solution becomes to reach awareness and understanding of these suppressed confl icts, by raising them to consciousness. Humanity is thus, on the one hand, riddled with inner confl icts, but on the other, is able to apply its conscious mind to interpret and to solve them. Art in the dynamic theory, broadly defi ned as the use of metaphor, symbols, visions, dreams, and sensual information, will be shown to have the vital role of making the unconscious, conscious. In object relations, art makes the relationship visible and creates a symbolic zone within which to enact it. Winnicott (1958, 1991) connected the content and relationship as interacting within the symbolic spaces, tightening the triangle of art therapy – therapist, client and art. Art is the vital transitional symbolic space within which people can individuate and connect to others, and within which relationships are worked through. Using ego psychology, art’s role is further developed into the proactive role of being able to negotiate between id and superego, and to enable adaptive defences such as sublimation instead of dissociation.