For several days certain indications had led the author to think that a discovery was at hand: he went to the spot and at once saw in the mound of sand that dominated the back porticoes of the temple of Montouhotpou a spectacle that filled him with joy. The chamber that sheltered the cow was built in a hollow of the rock. The three vertical partitions were decorated with religious scenes: on the one at the back Thoutmosis III worships Amonra, lord of Thebes, and on the two sides he makes an offering to Hathor. The head differs from that of European cows, but it is a question of race, and whoever has seen the Soudanese cow of the present day will easily distinguish its features in the Hathor of Deir-el-Bahar. The authors must go to the great sculptors of animals of our own day to find an equally realistic piece of work.