Mariette found the statuette by chance when searching the Serapeum. Egyptian sculptors did not greatly vary the pose of their sitters. The tomb is, in fact, his private house, where he rests from the fatigues of life, as he used to do in his terrestrial home. At bottom, it is with the statues of Ancient Egypt as with the pictures of saints of the Italian schools. When the tenth St. Sebastian was reached only a few professional artists would not have already gone away. Pehournowri is a scribe, Ramke a second scribe, Rahotpou a third scribe, just as the St. Sebastian of such or such a great Italian master and the St. Sebastian's of the Epinal pictures are two St. Sebastian's. If it was decided to do for Egypt what has been done for Greece and Rome, to separate the productions of art and the objects of archology, people's opinion would be promptly modified.