Aesthetics in games and game-based environments impact experiences. The critic has an understanding of game aesthetics, mechanics and genres and a deep understanding of the relationship between these elements and human interaction. Eisner educational criticism is an important paradigm for research about game-based learning. The four dimensions outlined by Eisner provide guidance to approach game-based learning in many forms Qualitative criticism combines methods of qualitative research and criticism. Connoisseurship and criticism provide an arts-based mode of inquiry that offers a means of gaining insight into aesthetics and experiences. connoisseurship has the ability to relate new experiences with antecedent knowledge of the context and to understand different characteristics and distinctions. Qualitative research is typically used to explore a phenomenon or answer a question through the collection and analysis of non-statistical data. Educational criticism offers much relevance for the study of game-based learning as a method of inquiry to guide design, inquiry and practice.