‘Containment’ is implemented when nothing else works. At this stage we may be dealing with pupils who may have deep psychological, social, emotional problems. There can be within them a well of violence or self-destructive behaviour that needs only the smallest trigger such as a misplaced look. They are often at the very end of the road in mainstream education, and alternative provision is being considered for this pupil as the school has provided everything it can to help. You would need to be sure that you, as a school, could genuinely agree that this pupil:

has been offered at least one respectful, valuing relationship;

knew one specific person was his/her advocate working on his/her behalf;

had a clearly explained understanding of the codes of conduct and received lots of positive feedback through tiny targets linked to incentives;

had been invited to support circles and slammed his/her way out, refusing the help that was offered.

and that school liaison staff have visited his/her home (social worker, education welfare officer or health visitor) and there have been case conferences run as circles with the specialised agencies. Only then can you say you've reached the last stage in our model.