In all Andean countries, neoliberal water doctors have proposed water reforms closely following the privatization prescription, receiving powerful backing to implement their water-sector sanity programs and provide their universal medicines. Neoliberalizing collective water rightsIn the name of a scientific knowledge program, converted into a political action program. In resistance strategies and rerepresentation systems, rights to access and control water are weapons of resistance and instruments of self-governance and autonomy. Thus the concealed and mimicry protected home bases of nonconformity, water rights undertows by themselves and apart from communities open, public protests. Such water rights creation, adaptation, regeneration and diversification dovetail local resistance with creative advocacy, and lend form and substance to hydraulic identities. The term gamonal is Peruvian, coined in the 19th century, as a simile comparing a parasitic plant to landlords. Endriks describes Chile water distribution, water-use efficiency and agricultural productivity in common property irrigation systems decline under the neoliberal regime, which promotes deterritorialization.