Modern war, marked by the incorporation of industrial and scientific techniques, dominated by the logic of total war, and structured by very specific definitions of logic and rationality, coevolved with modernism. Modernism 1 is a world system. It is a system of hegemony—militarily, economically, and politically for those countries with Western-style economies. To say “Western” is not to pretend that there is one West, the Occident, but rather to notice that there is a Western viewpoint that is hegemonic, not only in terms of the rest of the world but even in relationship to different discourses within Europe and the “neo-Europes.” 2 Even as modernism has been produced through many different models of industrialization for the rest of the world (variously mixes of capitalist, communist, fascist, social democratic, liberal, conservative), the decisive element for most countries is their role as either colonies or neocolonies of the industrialized countries.