The prophets and sages of all religions knew what the modern world has largely forgotten: the only real solution for the challenges facing humanity is spiritual. The widening disparities between rich and poor, widespread political suppression and ethnic conflict, the degradation of the environment, and drug abuse are the result of our losing touch with the values of love, responsibility, compassion, and justice—our common spiritual heritage. Only a renewed recognition of our status as God's vicegerent on earth can lead us to address the problems facing us at the eve of a new millennium.

This essay was published in The Other Side (Vol. 17, No. 7, August 1997), Radiance Viewsweekly (Vol. 32, No. 38–40, September–October 1997), JUST Commentary (No. 1, 1997), and in several local newspapers. An earlier version was published in Aliran's 1991 volume, The Human Being: Perspectives of Different Spiritual Traditions.