This chapter provides an introduction to the use of mobile devices to perform various psychological assessments. It includes both high-stakes and low-stakes assessments while considering three specific types of assessments: health assessments, learning assessments, and employment-selection assessments, referred to as mHealth, mLearning, and mWork, respectively. The chapter demonstrates that some students with learning disabilities (LD) may have strengths and weaknesses that differ from a typical model underlying the item-response theory upon which the test is built. The LD students may have strengths and weaknesses that differ from the population upon which the items were calibrated. Luecht traces the history of electronic testing from its beginnings in dedicated computer-based testing centers. Such centers were used by the two most significant first computerized tests: the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). He offers a brief overview of the other systems needed, including item authoring, item banking, assessment delivery, score processing, and score reporting, among others.