This chapter describes a journey with Winnicott through a 'normal' development from birth to beginnings of independence and health. Winnicott, as paediatrician, observed many mothers with their infants – some attaining what he called 'healthy living', others struggling with aspects of their new lives together. Winnicott talks of a baby creating what it needs in a 'moment of illusion': The infant comes to breast when excited, and ready to hallucinate something fit to be attacked. Winnicott suggests that good enough mother seeing her infant through initial stages of instinctual life by enabling it to maintain illusion that it created what it needs allows it to develop a sense of omnipotent control from which cognitive awareness and 'an intellect' will develop. The chapter focuses on the development, or achievement of a sense of self, about getting to developmental stage of 'I Am'. This capacity to pay attention to, to 'be' and to recognise own impulses is what Winnicott identifies as health.