Shifting States draws on a rich history of anthropological theorising on all kinds of states – from the pre- to the post- industrial – and explores topics as diverse as bureaucracy, infrastructure, surveillance, securitization, and public health.

As we enter the third decade of the twentieth century, there is a growing sense that ‘the state’ is in crisis everywhere. Although the nature of this perceived crisis varies from place to place, everywhere it is seen to have been caused by some combination of the inter-related forces of ‘globalisation’, of successive economic shocks, and of the rise of social media-fuelled populist movements. Yet, conversely, there is also a creeping perception that state power is becoming more pervasive in its reach, and in its effects, in ways which make it ever more imminent to the material worlds in which we live, more fundamental to the ways in which we conceive of the future, and more foundational to our very sense of self. How might we try to make sense of, and to mediate, these apparently contradictory impressions?

Based on ethnographic case studies from all over the world, this timely volume forges new ways of thinking about how state power manifests, and is imagined, and about the effects it has on ordinary people’s lives. In so doing, the volume provides tools not only for understanding states’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, but also for judging what effects these responses are likely to have.

part I|70 pages

Ethnographies of infrastructure

chapter 1|16 pages

Contingent statecraft

Infrastructures, political creativity, and experimentation

chapter 2|19 pages

Materialising the state

The meaning of water infrastructure

chapter 3|16 pages

Driving into the nation-state

Driving, roads, and selfhood in a post-socialist milieu

chapter 4|17 pages

State of the grain: grain of the state

The political and moral economy of rice in Indonesia

part II|52 pages

Dialectics of security, surveillance, and struggle

chapter 5|15 pages

Indigenous social policy, settler colonial dependencies, and toxic lingerings

Living through mining and militarism in the Anthropocene

chapter 6|14 pages

Awkward biculturalism

Embodying ambiguity in New Zealand Army haka

chapter 7|21 pages

Fear of a free lunch

Markets, publics, and the would-be gift

part III|71 pages

Sensory states, and their contingent citizenries

chapter 8|12 pages

Intimate tonguing

The governance of the tongue in smokefree Australia

chapter 9|13 pages

Sensing late-liberal state failure

Ecologies of resistance in a post-industrial German city

chapter 10|13 pages

Dialysis in the desert

Blood, biomedical technologies, and transformation in Central Australia

chapter 11|16 pages

‘Looking for a nice face’

Shifting states of marriage and intimate citizenship in Papua New Guinea

chapter 12|15 pages

The state of silence as sensory and social

Towards an anthropological appreciation