Chris Tuppen draws on a number of sources including Peter Senge's work on leadership and initiating and sustaining profound change; Jonathon Porritt and the think-tank Forum for the Future; the Centre for Excellence in Learning; and Interface. Organizations typically rely on a mix of internal leadership development programs, MBAs and other Management Masters programs, open and customized executive education programs from Business Schools, and a range of more experiential and immersive programs. Businesses need to be proactive in specifying these competencies to business schools and other providers of management and leadership education. Hoffman surveyed CEOs, Chief Human Resources Officers, and Chief Sustainability Officers, Board Chairs, industry observers, Pension Fund Advisors, and NGOs across the world for a study of sustainability leadership competencies on behalf of the corporate responsibility coalition Business for Social Responsibility. CSOs often have influence without operating in a traditional corporate power structure. Typically, they run extremely lean functions, where teams may be spread across departments and geographies.