The statistical methodology has been continuously developed to tackle various data analytical issues. As the empirical likelihood (EL) was introduced, many novel uses of the EL methods are found in the literature. This chapter presents a few interesting topics that are discussed in the EL literature. Discussions of regression methods include incorporating validation data with error-prone covariates, analyzing longitudinal data, handling incomplete membership information, and regression with surrogate covariates. Discussions of censored data analyses include testing hazard functions, quantile function estimation, testing mean survival times, analyzing mean quality-adjusted lifetime with censored data, and regression approach with censored data. Discussions of missing data include imputation, methods incorporating missing probabilities and handling missing covariates. This chapter concludes introducing pseudoempirical likelihood approach in survey sampling. It provides some details in terms of describing analytical issues, building the constraints and relevant inferential results. This overview will demonstrate that the EL approach has a flexibility to apply to various topics of interest as far as users can formulate a statistical question in a form of the estimating equations (i.e., constraints).