The first sputnik ascended and orbited on 4 October 1957. A second went into orbit a month later, and a third on 15 May 1958. By 2 January 1959 the Russians had launched, in the direction of the moon, a cosmic rocket which went into orbit as a satellite of the solar system. Called upon to deliver the Reith Lectures in 1964, Sir Leon Bagrit cited the rapid progress of Russian industry under the stimulus of automation. For the first time in the history of the Soviet educational system, there are institutions of learning which encompass widely diversified age groups under one roof. S. G. Strumilin's estimate that 23 per cent of the national income in 1960 resulted from increased skills obtained through education was cited by a special mission of the International Institute of Educational Planning. Realization of the mutual advantages to be obtained by co-operation led industrial leaders in the United Kingdom and the USSR to conclude an agreement.