This chapter considers the role of Office of Communications (OFCOM) under the codes, with specific regard to the New Code. It examines that material in the following order: OFCOM's functions; OFCOM's role under the Old Code; OFCOM's role under the New Code; OFCOM documents under the New Code; The 2017 OFCOM consultation; The OFCOM notices – background; The OFCOM notices – critique; The OFCOM Code of Practice – background; The OFCOM Code of Practice – critique; The OFCOM standard terms – background; The OFCOM standard terms – background; OFCOM as a forum for disputes. The OFCOM was established by the Office of Communications Act 2002. OFCOM's role under the New Code remains governed by the 2003 Act, and is little different to its role under the Old Code, although the 2017 Act has introduced some amendments to OFCOM's procedures.