There is a number of vengeance magic amongst the Shona. One method, stated to be common, is by raising the spirit of the dead man so that it becomes ngozi. The affliction caused by the ngozi to the family of the wizard will continue until peace is made with the original victim's family, whether by offering a daughter or otherwise. A method believed to be used by many nganga is to send chikwambo or runhare. Again, where chikwambo is used to avenge a person killed by wizardry, the ngozi of the deceased may be invoked to assist chikwambo on its way. The case of R v Mangwari illustrates the manner in which a diviner may be consulted for advice on how to destroy the wizard. The chief social value of vengeance magic is that it enables people to act purposefully when someone dies through wizardry and that is less harmful from the social point of view than physical violence.