This chapter considers one form of sexual abuse, that known as the grooming or solicitation of children. Grooming or solicitation covers a broad range of behaviours and therefore identifying a definition can be difficult. The issue of online solicitation is perhaps another good example of a behaviour that shows the age of the Convention on Cybercrime. ‘Cyber-harassment’ tends to be used where the victim is an adult and also the term ‘cyberstalking’ tends to be used in regards to adult victims too. There are a variety of different types of behaviour that can constitute bullying or harassment but they typically include: flaming; malware; and outing. These types of behaviour can be committed across all forms of communication, including email, internet sites, text messages and telephone calls. Whilst some aspects of cyberstalking may be similar to cyber-harassment, it can also form an individual behaviour that is categorised in a very similar way to stalking.