The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute entails complex overlapping thematic aspects which include territorial integrity, maritime defence space, the Japan-US alliance, economic interests, oil, seabed resources, international law requirements, domestic circumstances flaming political instability, the rise of non-governmental actors, national identity issues and historical grievances. The security dilemma illustrates the acrimonious past between China and Japan that will continue to be the most intractable subject in their bilateral relationship, which undeniably shall have profound ramifications in the larger East Asian regional context. Japan's economic standing, being the largest source of investment, and its strong presence in East Asia, will play a significant role in the future order of East Asia. Reaching a broad consensus on how nations can acquire territory and preserve their own sovereign boundaries — forming a clear definition of what it means to be an administrating state, rather than a pure sovereign state — should be a priority.