Exposure to whole body vibration (WBV) causes movement and effects in the body, which can cause discomfort, negatively affect performance for athletes and present a risk to health and safety. The assessment of health risks involves the analysis of recorded vibration signals. This analysis can be done in the time domain, in the frequency domain and/or in the time-frequency domain. For this purpose, it is necessary firstly to choose the characteristic parameters of the disorder, and secondly to monitor the evolution of these indicators over time in order to predict the change in the person’s behavior it front of the vibrations. Several parameters can be used both in the time domain and in the frequency domain. The scientific and technological difficulties lie in the choice of the indicators to better follow the behavior of the person subjected to vibrations and to better diagnose the disturbances related to vibrations. These selected parameters, extracted from the signal (temporal and/or frequency), will make it possible to evaluate and predict the deleterious effects of vibrations on the body (visual disturbances, cardiac, pulmonary or osteoarticular disorders, etc.).