The final part of the book teases out some of the sticky threads from the many knotted and tangled tales told in the previous chapters, stories that illuminated pedagogical and researching practices as complicated, socio-historical, political, and ethical endeavours. Chapter 6 explores how the book’s material feminist reconceptualization of gender and care adds to the growing body of work refiguring ontology in education. It suggests what situating gender and care as materialdiscursive entangled becomings might mean for research and pedagogical practices, and questions what understanding and making space for such complexities does in and for practices. Chapter 6 puts forward the importance of attending to the more-than human in twenty-first-century pedagogies and research, where actions and decisions are made every day that must be about children’s well-being and beyond. It reviews how politically repositioning pedagogies for the twenty-first century within a relationality framework, where pedagogies emerge through human and more-than-human relations, opens up possibilities for understanding, engaging in, and facilitating diverse practices of caring for children.