This chapter is a question and answer style article that contains past FRCA paper examples related to neurosurgery, neuroradiology and neurocritical care. It also guides trainees on the most effective manner in which to approach these questions. Trainees are asked to anaesthetise a 75-year-old man for an urgent DC cardioversion on the coronary care unit (CCU). He has a broad complex tachycardia of 150 beats/minute, but is maintaining a systolic blood pressure of 70 mm Hg and has a Glasgow Coma Score of 13/15. The most important disadvantage was anaesthetizing a patient in a remote and unfamiliar environment. The list of disadvantages of providing anaesthesia on CCU is an abridged version of the issues discussed in the RCoA document 'Anaesthetic Services in Remote Sites.' It is important to keep this list in mind as it features in questions concerning non-theatre duties.