Marriage is taken as seriously in Sukumaland as anywhere else, even though a considerable number of divorces occur, because the advantages of marriage once attained are not lost, whatever the fate of the parties to the union. In NF the usual method of obtaining the girl's consent to a marriage is now called kugumira. Disharmony is generally due, not to incompatibility of character among the wives, but to the stupidity and partiality of the husband. Polygyny is so deeply rooted in the conventions of society, and the adaptation of the family's organization to it is so complete, that the wives of one household harbour no feelings of jealousy amongst themselves; but, on the other hand, the feeling of envy between them is very acute. In the south two forms of abduction are known which are both expected to lead to legal marriage: Kulehya, and Kupumula. There are also two forms of kulehya.